Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Kaabe Digitals! We are delighted to have you as a valued client or freelancer, and we want to ensure a transparent and collaborative working relationship. 

These terms and conditions are designed to outline the expectations, responsibilities, and commitments between Kaabe Digitals, our esteemed clients, and the talented freelancers who contribute to our success.

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms, fostering a professional and constructive partnership.

1. Between Kaabe Digitals and the Client:

1.1 Service Engagement:

Kaabe Digitals commits to delivering comprehensive digital services. Clients agree to engage in a cooperative and professional manner throughout the project.

1.2 Payment and Refund:

Clients are required to inform Kaabe Digitals within 24 hours if they wish to discontinue services after payment. A full refund will be provided if the request is made within this timeframe.

1.3 Project Adjustments:

Kaabe Digitals accommodates reasonable adjustments to the project post-delivery. Clients are encouraged to communicate any additional requirements promptly.

1.4 Legal Compliance:

Clients must adhere to legal and ethical standards. Any illegal behavior is strictly prohibited. Kaabe Digitals reserves the right to terminate services if clients engage in unlawful activities.

2. Between Kaabe Digitals and Freelancers:

2.1 Freelancer’s Responsibilities:

Freelancers are essential contributors to Kaabe Digitals. Timely project delivery is crucial. Failure to meet deadlines without proper justification may result in a deduction of 10-20% from the freelancer’s paycheck.

2.2 Payment and Profit Distribution:

Freelancers are paid after successful project delivery and client satisfaction. They receive 70% of the net profit, and Kaabe Digitals retains 30%.

2.3 Project Assignment:

Freelancers failing to initiate or complete assigned projects promptly the project reassigned to another person. Meanwhile in the clients perspective we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience, Kaabe Digitals ensures efficiency in project timelines and your clients project will be delivered successfuly on time.

2.4 Trust and Partnership:

Illegal agreements between freelancers and clients compromise trust. Freelancers engaging in such activities may lose the opportunity to collaborate further with Kaabe Digitals.

3. Between Freelancer and Client:

3.1 Cooperation:

Freelancers and clients are expected to cooperate exclusively on the assigned project. Any external agreements are strictly prohibited. Kaabe Digitals reserves the right to terminate collaboration if illegal agreements are discovered.

3.2 Project Adjustments:

Freelancers are responsible for any adjustments requested by the client post-delivery. Open and prompt communication is encouraged for smooth project completion.

3.3 Legal Compliance:

Clients and freelancers must adhere to legal and ethical standards. Any illegal agreements between them are strongly discouraged. Engaging in such activities may lead to the termination of the collaboration with Kaabe Digitals.

At Kaabe Digitals, we believe in fostering partnerships built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect. These terms and conditions serve as a foundation for a positive and successful collaboration. 

Whether you are a client seeking exceptional digital services or a freelancer bringing your expertise to our team, we look forward to working together to achieve your goals and elevate digital experiences.

If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@kaabedigitals.com. 

Thank you for choosing Kaabe Digitals where innovation meets excellence.



Last Updated: January 2024